BrianQC 1.5 is out! See feature list
Quantum Chemistry. Speed. BrianQC.
GPU module for Q-CHEM: BrianQC
BrianQC is a GPU module for Q-Chem. It speeds up Density Functional Theory and Hartree-Fock single point, geometry optimization and frequency calculations and many other methods.

GPU module for Psi4: BrianQC
BrianQC speeds up Psi4 for Density Functional Theory and Hartree-Fock single point, geometry optimization and frequency calculations.


Q-Chem Inc., USA
Having a close collaborating relationship Q-Chem and BrianQC plans to release a GPU ported quantum chemistry software based on the Q-Chem CPU version and the GPU integrator module developed by BrianQC.
PSI4 has a large living community developing actively towards new directions. Both PSI4 team and BrianQC team think this wide community can benefit a lot from using BrianQC module for their algorithms
NVIDIA as a major GPU manufacturer has close partnership with BrianQC.
There is a strong partnership between Furukawa Electric Institute of Technology and BrianQC. Furukawa have been helped BrianQC to start by providing expert knowledge and infrastructure from the beginning.
As a spinoff from PPCU the BrianQC project still has a strong collaboration with the staff of PPCU.
The HPC Competence Center (HPC CC) is responsible for promoting the High Performance Computing(HPC) and introducing the HPC infrastructure to potential academic and industrial users such as BrianQC.
GPU module for Q-Chem: BrianQC
BrianQC speeds up Q-Chem for every calculation that uses Coulomb (J), Exchange (K), or DFT Exchange Correlation (XC) integrals over Gaussian basis functions or their first analytic derivative including DFT or HF level energy evaluation, geometry optimization, and frequency calculations and many more.
BrianQC as an SDK
BrianQC combines the computing powers of GPUs, quantum chemistry and the functions of Software Development Kit (SDK). Use the functionalities of BrianQC via an easy to use API and build the application you want. The package includes several examples for easy understanding.
BrianQC capabilities
Runs on Windows and 64-bit Linux operating systems
Compatible with features of Q-Chem 5.0 or later
Optimized for simulating large molecules
Tested up to 40,000 Cartesian Gaussian basis functions
Full support of s, p, d, f and g-type orbitals
Full support for NVIDIA GPU architectures: Pascal, Volta, Turing and Ampere
Double-precision accuracy
“The fundamental laws necessary for the mathematical treatment of a large part of physics and the whole of chemistry are thus completely known, and the difficulty lies only in the fact that application of these laws leads to equations that are too complex to be solved.”
- Paul Dirac
BrianQC is a startup project in the field of quantum chemistry.
If you have questions, suggestions, want to be our beta tester or want to use our module in your quantum chemistry/material science software please contact us!