Wall time of a DFT energy evaluation in hours
Runtime of the Q-Chem software with its own CPU integrator compared it to the BrianQC GPU integrator module for multiple system sizes.
The measurement systems are all branching hydrocarbons generated randomly for the measurement.
Input geometry optimization was carried out with OpenBabel using the MMFF94 force field.
cc-pvdz basis up to 10 000 basis functions, B3LYP, SG-1 grid
x axis: number of basis functions in the randomly generated hydrocarbons

Speedup of a DFT energy evaluation with BrianQC module

The speedup caused by the BrianQC GPU integrator with respect to the molecule size.
The measurement systems are all branching hydrocarbons generated randomly for the measurement.
Input geometry optimization was carried out with OpenBabel using the MMFF94 force field.
cc-pvdz basis up to 10 000 basis functions, B3LYP, SG-1 grid
x axis: number of basis functions in the randomly generated hydrocarbons
Wall time of a Hartree-Fock energy evaluation in hours

Runtime of the Q-Chem software with its own CPU integrator compared to the BrianQC GPU integrator module for multiple system sizes.
The measurement systems are all branching hydrocarbons generated randomly for the measurement.
Input geometry optimization was carried out with OpenBabel using the MMFF94 force field.
cc-pvdz basis up to 10 000 basis functions
x axis: number of basis functions in the randomly generated hydrocarbons
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Speedup of a Hartree-Fock energy evaluation with BrianQC module

The speedup caused by the BrianQC GPU integrator with respect to the molecule size.
The measurement systems are all branching hydrocarbons generated randomly for the measurement.
Input geometry optimization was carried out with OpenBabel using the MMFF94 force field.
cc-pvdz basis up to 10 000 basis functions
x axis: number of basis functions in the randomly generated hydrocarbons
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Speedup of a DFT energy evaluation with BrianQC module

Psi4 1.4 with BrianQC GPU module 1.2.1
The speedup caused by the BrianQC GPU integrator with respect to the molecule size.
The measurement systems are all branching hydrocarbons generated randomly for the measurement.
Input geometry optimization was carried out with OpenBabel using the MMFF94 force field.
cc-pvdz basis up to 10 000 basis functions
x axis: number of basis functions in the randomly generated hydrocarbons
Comparing different hardware setups

Q-Chem 5.1.2 with BrianQC GPU module 0.8.0 on 1 GTX 1080 Ti GPU
Q-Chem 5.1.2 on 16 Cores of Intel Xeon E5-2620 v4
Q-Chem 5.1.2 on 8 Cores of Intel Xeon E5-2620 v4
x axis: wall time of a Hartree-Fock level energy evaluation in cc-pVTZ basis set
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